Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Getting Organized

   College applications are a bit overwhelming, and sometimes it gets hard to keep track of everything you have to do. During my own college application process, I wish that I would have found a better organization tool since I found myself (more than once) scrambling to submit something just a few days before the deadline. Despite this, I've since found some tools that are very useful for getting organized. These tools are helpful not only for college applications, but anything in general.

   Evernote is absolutely wonderful! It is a note taking device that is free to download and automatically syncs all of your notes between any device that you have (laptop, smart phone, Kindle fire, etc). In Evernote, you can create different notebooks in which to categorize information. For example, here is a screenshot of my current Evernote account:
As you can see, you can create either "stacks" of notebooks which incorporate multiple notebooks into a category, or you can create individual notebooks which have to do with certain things.

   My advice on using this tool during college applications would be to make notebooks for scholarships (in that notebook, make a note for scholarships you need to apply for and scholarships applied for), potential schools, major research, tests signed up for and scores, and a notebook that has all of your potential resume material. When used right, Evernote can really help you out!

A Physical Notebook
   Not every organization strategy has to be using fancy online tools and technology. Sometimes a simple notebook works the best. Create a colorful, fun to-do list for yourself and put it in the front of your notebook categorized by tab, then put dividers in your notebook and print off all of your completed applications and essays and put them in your notebook. In case if something goes wrong with the technology, it is always a good idea to have a hard copy of everything you do.

Post-it Notes
   Post-it notes are a surprisingly helpful reminder tool that most people feel like they don't need to use. Trust me: once you start having multiple applications to complete, you will appreciate the reminder. When you have a deadline coming up, jot down the name and deadline on a post-it note and stick it in a place that you look every day (my advice would be your bathroom mirror). This way, you will have a short reminder every morning and evening at the least.

Cappex/Zinch/Other college planning website
   I've written briefly about these websites in some others posts, but just to refresh your memory, Cappex and Zinch are two of many free online college planning services and scholarship searches. Be sure to check them out!

   College applications become a lot less stressful when you have a good system to manage them. Never underestimate the power of multiple reminders (phone alerts, post-it notes, etc) and get started early on carefully classifying your information. In the long run, getting organized can really help you to be the most efficient with your time and with your applications!

Best of luck!

Monday, October 7, 2013

5 Things You Can Do as an Underclassman to Prepare for College Applications

   I'm sure that you all have heard it- senior freaking out about all of the college applications, testing, financial aid, and other stressful things that college applications can bring in addition to regular coursework. The problem is, many senior did not prepare for their college applications until about October of their senior year. Although you cannot complete the actual college application until your senior year, there are several things that you can do as an underclassman to ease your college application experience.

1. Create a running resume.

   On almost every single scholarship and college application, you are asked to list awards, honors, activities, and work experience. Re-listing these same things over and over again can be time consuming and frustrating, so save yourself the frustration your senior year by keeping a running list of your activities starting now. Trust me, you don't want to try to remember every single thing that you've done in high school ten minutes before midnight when that important application is due. Better still, go ahead and create a student resume; they're fairly easy to create and they will save you heaps of trouble. Be on the lookout for a sample student resume soon.

2. Take your SAT/ACT early.

   Many early application deadlines occur as early as October, and regular decision applications can be due as early as January. Since SAT and ACT tests usually have a June date and then do not pick up again until September right in the middle of the busy part of fall, do yourself a favor and take your tests early. You probably will want to take the tests more than once, so start at the end of your sophomore year and the beginning of your junior year to give yourself plenty of time to study and improve your score.

3. Research various colleges and majors.

   Unfortunately, there is no magical formula to tell you which college and major you should choose. Fortunately, there are many helpful tools such as personality tests and websites that can help to steer you in the right direction. Some websites that I used were:

  • Zinch- not only is Zinch good for scholarships, but it also offers an organizer tool to store and compare schools.
  • Cappex- another scholarship service that also offers a great organizer to compare colleges.
  • GA College 411- if you are a student in Georgia, you need to register with this website through your high school. It has some good personality inventories, college search tools, and it is the website that you will use to apply for the HOPE and Zell Miller scholarships.
  • My Plan- offers (some) free personality tests and another college search tool.
You do not have to decide exactly which college and major you want to apply for, but doing some research and drawing up a tentative list will definitely help you as you start to choose which schools to apply for your senior year.

4. Research and apply for scholarships.

   Let's just be honest: higher education is expensive. Extremely expensive. I know plenty of people who got accepted into top notch schools but could not attend because of finances. You do not want to be unable to attend college because of money, and trust me, it does happen. Luckily, there are plenty of scholarships out there to help you to pay for your education, but they can be tricky to locate. I will do a series on scholarships later, but in a nutshell, here are some websites that might help you in your search:
  • Zinch- once again, a great scholarship database.
  • Cappex- another database with some Cappex scholarships as well.
  • College Prowler- another database that also has a college search tool.
  • Scholarship Points- a website that gives out scholarships based on the number of points you enter into a drawing. Although it is extremely rare that you will win one of these scholarships, it never hurts to try.
One last piece of advise for scholarship databases: always, ALWAYS double-check the essay prompts, due dates, etc against the actual scholarship's website. Sometimes (not often), the databases are not up to date. You don't want to spend tons of time on a scholarship that no longer exists.

5. Take heavier coursework your junior year.

   Or your sophomore year, or you freshman year. Basically, take hard classes before your senior year, and try to do well in them. Why? Well, if you make good scores on AP/IB exams, they will be on your college application. If you take difficult classes your senior year and make really good scores in exams, that's great, but those classes will, unfortunately, not be present on your college applications because you will not have completed them by the time deadlines roll around.

   Even though you cannot actually complete the application before your senior year, there are plenty of things that you can do to prepare to avoid that last-minute freakout. Best of luck!


Monday, September 30, 2013

The College Interview

   To be honest, I'm having a little difficulty collecting my thoughts for the SAT series, so I decided to take a break from it for a little while and talk about something else that's extremely important; college interviews.

Do all colleges have interviews and where do these interviews take place?

  No, many colleges do not require interviews as part of their admission process, but some schools such as Ivy League schools strongly suggest that you interview. Interviews may take place at the actual college, but many colleges will use alumni networks or admissions representative to bring the interview closer to you.

Okay, so there's no sample question sheet or anything. . . what should I expect?

   Unlike many high school interviews, where you'll probably receive some kind of sample questions or something, college interviews do no such thing. You can expect the normal questions like "Why do you want to attend college XYZ? What do you want to major in?" etc. Outside of these questions, though, your interviewer really wants to get to know you; they want to know why you would be a good addition to their school academically, what motivates you, and what kind of diverse thought and background can you bring to their campus. Below, I am providing some examples of the questions that I was asked in my Princeton interview this past winter:

  • What other colleges have you applied to and why?
  • Why did you choose Princeton over the other Ivy League schools?
  • Frankly, Princeton already has an abundance of wonderful students. What do you think that you could bring to Princeton to make it even better?
  • Where did you grow up? What was your family like? (Note, this is in a very general sense, nothing too overly personal that you are not comfortable with sharing.)
  • Where did you go to high school? What was your favorite thing to study?
  • What organizations did you participate in, both in and outside of school?
  • What is your philosophy on higher education?
   This is just a general list of questions that you may be asked. As you can see, they range from academic to personal to philosophical.

What should I wear to my interview?

   Usually, whatever information sheet you receive about your interview will specify how formal your interview is. For example, I know that some take place in a coffee shop and are extremely informal. If this is the case, modest and neat is always the best policy.
   For most interviews, though, the dress is either business casual or business professional. The UGA Career Center has a great article for what this means for both men and women, so click here to visit the website. When in doubt, overdress. In the words of Oscar Wilde, "You can never be overdressed or overeducated." 
   In general, just make sure that your dress is neat, clean, and professional. Ladies, please no excessively tall heels, short skirts, or boots. Gentleman, please iron your clothes and pick out a tasteful tie.

To sum it all up, here are some closing remarks:
  • Arrive early to your interview, but not obnoxiously early. Leave in plenty of time, but wait until about 15 minutes beforehand to enter the building.
  • Be prepared! Know your résumé like the back of your hand.
  • Do not think of your interview as just a series of questions; make it a conversation. Find a common ground that your share with your interviewer and go from there. Remember, they are trying to get to know you to see if you will be a good fit for the college, so be personable but professional.
  • Finally, don't stress! It's just a formal conversation. Don't be afraid to ask questions and talk about other things besides just college.
Best of luck in your interviews! Cheers!


Monday, September 16, 2013

Long Time, No see

Hello everyone! I want to apologize for my absence the past few weeks, but college has been kicking my butt. Luckily, I am currently working on the next installment of the SAT series, so look out for that soon.
See you soon!


Saturday, August 17, 2013

August Update

   Hello everyone!
   I am very excited to announce that I have begun my fall semester at the University of Georgia! Go Dawgs! I am so happy to be starting my classes, and I'm especially happy that I'll now be able to give an official college student perspective. However, regretfully, I will also be a lot more busy than I was this summer. I will continue to update the blog, but the updates might be less frequent. I am aiming for a post every two weeks, so look out for the SAT guide part 2 very soon.
   Also, Georgia Help for College students is on Pinterest! Follow us to receive updates from the blog, tips on interviews, essays, and more. Don't forget to repin an article that you especially enjoyed on the blog. Click here to go to the Pinterest page.
   Thanks for being awesome and keep it up!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

College Help for Georgia Students is on Facebook!

   Hey everyone! Just a quick update: College Help for Georgia Students is on Facebook! "Like" us to receive all of the latest updates and information on the blog.
   As always, thanks for reading!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Studying for your SAT (Part 1): Why is it so hard to study for the SAT?

   The almighty SAT seems to be an increasingly more important component of the college application process. Whether that is a correct way to evaluate students or not, it is still an unfortunate reality for many students. Let's be honest: the SAT is a long, grueling, unpleasant test for the most part, however, there are some things that you can do to make your SAT experience less unpleasant.
   Since there is so much information about the SAT, this entry will be divided into several parts, each giving you specific information on each SAT section and how to study for that section. But first, some general information about studying for the SAT:

   First off, please, please, PLEASE ACTUALLY study for your SAT!
   This might seem like an obvious piece of advice, but it is probably the most valuable I can give to you. Why? Well, most students do not study for the SAT very much, or they "study" (AKA, have 5, 982 browser windows open on the internet, one of which has free SAT study questions on it). Some students do not have to study for their high school classes, and they believe that the SAT will be the same way. For a precious few students it is a breeze, but for most of us, the SAT is a whole different animal than most high school classes.

Why is the SAT so hard to study for?

   There are a couple key components to the SAT that make it so difficult to study for, and it has nothing to do with the actual test material:

  • The advantage/disadvantage of your SAT score is not immediately visible. It isn't like a high school class where you know if you get a "B" on the test, your grade will drop three points. Your SAT score has a more abstract effect on your college application process, since there are many factors that go into the application that can change the weight of your application.
  • That said, the SAT isn't "required" for college applications. You could always take the ACT, which some students tend to find easier, which leads to some students not studying because they think if they don't do well on the SAT, they could always take the ACT. The problem with this belief is that the ACT might not actually be easier for you, and you're wasting your money by taking the SAT and not committing to it. Commit to it, do well, and you won't have to take the ACT and pay more money. Or, take the ACT and commit to it, and you won't have to pay more money. Simple.
  •  Lastly, the SAT is a long test. A very, very long test. Many students do not come in with at least a full run-through of the SAT under their belts and are not prepared for the mental endurance that the test takes.
   Now, the SAT might seem even more daunting now, but studying for it does not have to be so daunting if you sit down and plan out your study.

What can I do when planning my study time?

   Okay, you know yourself better than anyone else. The most important part of planning your study time is to not lie to yourself. For example, if you aren't the type of person who can focus while studying online because you tend to wander through the vast world of the internet, then don't study online.
   Choose whether you want to study from a book or from the internet. Each method will have free and paid for services that you can use. For example, you could borrow some SAT books or check them out from a local library, or you can spend the extra money and buy a book that you can physically write in.
   The internet will have many more free services, but keep in mind that the actual test is administered on paper. If you're like me, taking a test on a computer and taking a test on a piece of paper are two entirely different things.
   Of course, I will provide some suggestions for both free and paid for SAT study services in the very near future.

So, what's next?

   Breathe. You can tackle and conquer this test, I promise. This post contained a lot of information, but I hope that it was helpful. Stay tuned for the next installment of "Studying for your SAT!"