Monday, September 30, 2013

The College Interview

   To be honest, I'm having a little difficulty collecting my thoughts for the SAT series, so I decided to take a break from it for a little while and talk about something else that's extremely important; college interviews.

Do all colleges have interviews and where do these interviews take place?

  No, many colleges do not require interviews as part of their admission process, but some schools such as Ivy League schools strongly suggest that you interview. Interviews may take place at the actual college, but many colleges will use alumni networks or admissions representative to bring the interview closer to you.

Okay, so there's no sample question sheet or anything. . . what should I expect?

   Unlike many high school interviews, where you'll probably receive some kind of sample questions or something, college interviews do no such thing. You can expect the normal questions like "Why do you want to attend college XYZ? What do you want to major in?" etc. Outside of these questions, though, your interviewer really wants to get to know you; they want to know why you would be a good addition to their school academically, what motivates you, and what kind of diverse thought and background can you bring to their campus. Below, I am providing some examples of the questions that I was asked in my Princeton interview this past winter:

  • What other colleges have you applied to and why?
  • Why did you choose Princeton over the other Ivy League schools?
  • Frankly, Princeton already has an abundance of wonderful students. What do you think that you could bring to Princeton to make it even better?
  • Where did you grow up? What was your family like? (Note, this is in a very general sense, nothing too overly personal that you are not comfortable with sharing.)
  • Where did you go to high school? What was your favorite thing to study?
  • What organizations did you participate in, both in and outside of school?
  • What is your philosophy on higher education?
   This is just a general list of questions that you may be asked. As you can see, they range from academic to personal to philosophical.

What should I wear to my interview?

   Usually, whatever information sheet you receive about your interview will specify how formal your interview is. For example, I know that some take place in a coffee shop and are extremely informal. If this is the case, modest and neat is always the best policy.
   For most interviews, though, the dress is either business casual or business professional. The UGA Career Center has a great article for what this means for both men and women, so click here to visit the website. When in doubt, overdress. In the words of Oscar Wilde, "You can never be overdressed or overeducated." 
   In general, just make sure that your dress is neat, clean, and professional. Ladies, please no excessively tall heels, short skirts, or boots. Gentleman, please iron your clothes and pick out a tasteful tie.

To sum it all up, here are some closing remarks:
  • Arrive early to your interview, but not obnoxiously early. Leave in plenty of time, but wait until about 15 minutes beforehand to enter the building.
  • Be prepared! Know your résumé like the back of your hand.
  • Do not think of your interview as just a series of questions; make it a conversation. Find a common ground that your share with your interviewer and go from there. Remember, they are trying to get to know you to see if you will be a good fit for the college, so be personable but professional.
  • Finally, don't stress! It's just a formal conversation. Don't be afraid to ask questions and talk about other things besides just college.
Best of luck in your interviews! Cheers!


Monday, September 16, 2013

Long Time, No see

Hello everyone! I want to apologize for my absence the past few weeks, but college has been kicking my butt. Luckily, I am currently working on the next installment of the SAT series, so look out for that soon.
See you soon!
